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Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.


Master Gold NPK 20.20.20+TE



Master Gold NPK 20.20.20+TE


25kg / 55lbs


NPK 20.20.20+TE with Micronutrients

Information on the product

Fully water-soluble, this formulation presents a very high concentration of micronutrients in a 1:1 ratio.

Nitrogen is available in three forms (nitrate, ammonium, and urea) to ensure a gradual uptake of the element.

Phosphorus, in its fully water-soluble form, is easily assimilated by the plant.

Potassium, derived from nitrate, is completely chlorine-free and represents the best nutrition for all crops that require this important element.
EDTA-chelated micronutrients complete the nutritional profile.

Azoti total 20%
Azoti nitrik 6%
Azoti amonikum 4%
Azoti ureik 10%
Fosfati i tretshëm në ujë (P2O5) 20%
Oksidi i kaliumit i tretshëm në ujë (K2O) 20%

Shelf Life

To be stored for 5 years.


Store in secure, dry, well-ventilated places, away from direct sunlight, food for humans and animals, and out of reach of children.

Do not reuse the emptied packaging but recycle or dispose of it according to applicable laws.

Applicant and exclusive distributor: Agro Blend Group.

Azoti total 20%
Azoti nitrik 6%
Azoti amonikum 4%
Azoti ureik 10%
Fosfati i tretshëm në ujë (P2O5) 20%
Oksidi i kaliumit i tretshëm në ujë (K2O) 20%

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