
Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.

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Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.


Coragen 20 SC

Insecticide Product

Information on the product

Type: Insecticide in the form of a suspension concentrate
Formulation: Suspension concentrate (SC)
Appearance: White-colored liquid

Coragen is an insecticide used for controlling the larvae of various Lepidoptera and Coleoptera species. It controls all larval stages, and the adult stages of some species are partially controlled. The activity is through ingestion and contact.

Please consult the technical service for advice on specific crops and conditions.

Personnel protection and hygiene
During the transportation and use of Coragen, always wear a coverall, mask for the nose, face, gloves, and rubber boots. If you feel unwell, immediately seek medical help and show the label. Strictly follow the precautionary measures:
• Do not eat, drink liquids, or smoke.
• Wash thoroughly before eating and always after finishing work.
• During application, avoid situations with strong winds.
• Do not breathe in the vapors or spray mist.
• Do not apply this product in a way that it may come into contact with workers or other people.

First aid
• Swallowing: Drink 1-2 glasses of water. Immediately inform a doctor. Do not induce vomiting. Never induce vomiting or give anything by mouth to an unconscious person or one with convulsions.
• Skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing. Rinse immediately with plenty of water. If the person feels unwell or experiences skin irritation, consult a doctor.
• Eye contact: Keep the eyes open and rinse them carefully with plenty of water, including under the eyelids, for at least 15 minutes. Consult a specialist for treatment advice.
• Inhalation: Move the person to fresh air. If necessary, administer oxygen and perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, if possible. Consult a doctor for further medical advice.


Additional Information

Coragen works by activating the ryanodine receptors of insects. Coragen binds to insect receptors, triggering the release and depletion of calcium from smooth and striated muscles, causing regulatory muscle damage, paralysis, and ultimately the death of the insects. Chlorantraniliprole acts through contact and ingestion. Insect behavior rapidly changes after exposure to a toxic dose of the active substance, resulting in a quick interruption of feeding, the death of the insect after a short period, and thus providing excellent protection for the treated crop. Coragen is a suspension concentrate that can be applied as a foliar spray to control many major pests. Coragen is mixed with water for application.

The product also has ovicidal and larvicidal effectiveness against some important species. Paralysis of the pest occurs within a few hours after exposure, resulting in the interruption of movement and feeding. Final control is achieved within 2-4 days.

Stability against washing
Coragen is stable as the sprayed solution dries within 1-2 hours. If it rains after the solution has dried, reapplication is not necessary. Field entry is allowed immediately after the solution has dried.

Usage Restrictions
Do not use on plants stressed due to drought, excess water, low temperatures, nutrient deficiencies, or other factors that reduce plant growth.
Do not use with drip or flood irrigation systems; do not use on turf or ornamental plants; do not use on hydroponic crops or those grown in containers. Do not apply directly to water or areas with surface water present; avoid contaminating water bodies and surfaces with the product solution or container residues.

Resistance Management and Prevention
When insecticides with the same mode of action are used repeatedly over several years in the same field, naturally less sensitive types of pests may survive and develop. An insect is considered resistant to an insecticide if it survives a proper treatment at the recommended dose and interval under normal conditions.
Resistance development can be avoided or delayed by alternating or mixing products with different modes of action. Coragen is an insecticide of Group 28 (ryanodine receptor modulators) according to the IRAC mode of action scheme. Repeated use of Coragen or other Group 28 insecticides can lead to resistance in some insects on some crops. To prevent this, the number of Coragen applications is limited to two per season. It should also be part of an integrated pest management (IPM) program for the area of use, including biological control practices and insecticide rotation with different modes of action.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
DuPont supports the use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs. This product can be used as part of an IPM program, which includes biological, cultural, and genetic practices aimed at preventing pest attacks. IPM principles and practices include field monitoring, correct identification of pests, monitoring pest populations, rotation of insecticides with different modes of action, and timely treatment. Consult with extension services or local professionals to determine the pest threshold for appropriate treatment in your area.

Beneficial Arthropods
Coragen helps protect a wide range of beneficial arthropods (parasitoids and predators). While these beneficial arthropods may not control all pests, they are valuable allies and can be monitored alongside pests in management programs for these crops.
According to Good Agricultural Practices standards, Coragen should not be used when bees are active.

Storage, Transport, and Disposal
Store in a locked, dry, cool, and well-ventilated area, away from food, beverages, and animal feed, and away from excessive moisture, heat, direct sunlight, and flammable materials. In case of spillage, collect the spilled product and dispose of it according to regulations. Do not use/store in domestic environments. Do not store at temperatures below 0°C.


Usage & Dosage

Instructions for Use
Apply at the recommended rates when insect populations reach the economic threshold set locally. Consult with local agronomic services, professional advisors, or other qualified authorities to determine the appropriate treatment level for your area. For most crops, foliar applications of Coragen should be applied at intervals of 10 to 14 days to maintain control. Monitor insect populations to determine whether application with Coragen is necessary, based on the economic threshold set locally. More than one application of Coragen may be needed to control a pest population.

Apple/Pear: To control Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus), apply 20 ml of product per 100 L of water. For control of leaf miners: Phyllonorycter (=Lithocolletis) blancardella (Fabricius), Phyllonorycter corylifoliella (Hubner), Leucoptera scitella (Zeller), apply 17.5 ml of product per 100 L of water. For best protection, apply during egg laying in the ovicidal period before egg hatching. Apply 700-1500 L solution per hectare (normal spray volumes). Use the highest dose during high pressure periods. Apply no more than twice during the season, at 14-day intervals if necessary. Apply preferably against generations 1 or 2. Normally, a program with two or more insecticide applications is necessary to achieve good control of a single generation. Coragen should be applied alternating with other insecticides with different modes of action.

– To control leafrollers: Pandemis heparana (Denis et Schiffermuller), Pandemis cerasana (Hubner), Adoxophyes orana (Fisher von Roslerstamm) (=Capua reticulana, Hubner), Argyrotaenia pulchellana (Haëort), apply 20 ml of product per 100 L of water. For better protection of fruits, apply during egg laying in the ovicidal period, before egg hatching. Apply 700-1500 L solution per hectare. Use the highest dose in high pressure periods. Apply no more than twice per season, at 14-day intervals. Apply preferably against spring and summer generations. Normally, two or more insecticide applications are necessary to achieve good control of leafrollers, and Coragen should be alternated with other insecticides with different modes of action.

– To control winter moths, Operophthera brumata (Linnaeus), apply 17.5 ml of product per 100 L of water. For better control of leaves and fruits, apply when the first symptoms are visible on the plants. Apply 700-1500 L solution per hectare. Coragen effectively kills larvae that have fed on the treated plant parts. Use the highest dose during high pressure periods. Apply in the first generation. If applied as recommended, early application of Coragen ensures control over the entire generation. Do no more than two applications, at 14-day intervals. Pre-harvest interval = 14 days (last application: fruits mature for harvest, BBCH 87, 14 days before harvest).

Plum: To control Cydia funebrana, apply 20 ml of product per 100 L of water. Minimum recommended dose: 160 ml per hectare. Pre-harvest interval = 14 days. For better protection, apply during egg laying in the ovicidal period, before egg hatching. Apply 800-1500 L solution per hectare. Use the highest dose in high pressure periods. Apply no more than twice per season, at 14-day intervals if necessary. For better control, apply preferably against generations 2 and 3 of C. funebrana. Coragen should be alternated with other insecticides with different modes of action.
– Maximum Individual Dose: 0.3 L/ha (300 ml).
– Maximum Number of Applications: 2 per crop.
– Latest Application Timing: When fruits are mature for harvest, BBCH 85, 14 days before harvest.

Apricot/Peach: To control Cydia molesta, apply 16-20 ml of product per 100 L of water. Minimum recommended dose: 160 ml per hectare. Pre-harvest interval = 14 days. For best protection, apply during egg laying in the ovicidal period, before egg hatching. Apply 700-1500 L solution per hectare. Use the highest dose during high pressure periods. Apply no more than twice per season, at 14-day intervals if necessary. Coragen should be alternated with other insecticides with different modes of action.
– Maximum Individual Dose: 0.3 L/ha (300 ml).
– Maximum Number of Applications: 2 per crop, with intervals of 10–14 days.
– Latest Application Timing: When fruits are mature for harvest, BBCH 85, 14 days before harvest.

Table grapes: To control Lobesia botrana (Denis ET Schiffermuller), apply 15-18 ml of product per 100 L of water. Minimum recommended dose: 150 ml per hectare. Pre-harvest interval = 3 days. For best protection, apply during egg laying in the ovicidal period, before egg hatching. Apply 600-1200 L solution per hectare. Use the highest dose during high pressure periods. Apply no more than twice per season, at 10-14-day intervals if necessary. For better control, apply preferably against generations 2 and 3.

If a program with two or more insecticide applications is needed to achieve good control over a single generation, Coragen should be applied alternately with other insecticides that have a different mode of action.
– Maximum Individual Dose: 0.216 L/ha (216 ml).
– Maximum Number of Applications: 2 per crop.
– Latest Application Timing: At the beginning of fruit maturation (BBCH 85), 3 days before harvest.

Wine grapes: To control Lobesia botrana (Denis ET Schiffermuller), Eupoecilia ambiguella (Hubner), apply 15-18 ml of product per 100 L of water. Minimum recommended dose: 150 ml per hectare. Pre-harvest interval = 30 days. For best protection, apply during egg laying in the ovicidal period, before egg hatching. Apply 700-1500 L solution per hectare. Use the highest dose against Eupoecilia ambiguella in high pressure periods. Apply no more than once per season.

For better control, apply preferably against the 2nd and 3rd generations. If a program with two or more insecticide applications is necessary to achieve good control over a single generation, Coragen should be alternated with insecticides with different modes of action.
– Maximum Individual Dose: 0.27 L/ha (270 ml).
– Maximum Number of Applications: 1 per crop.
– Latest Application Timing: When berries are developing color (BBCH 85), 30 days before harvest.

Potatoes: To control Leptinotarsa decemlineata, apply 50-60 ml of product per hectare during the growth phase BBCH 35-48. Solution volume: 300-600 L per hectare. Pre-harvest interval = 14 days. For better protection of leaves, apply during egg hatching when the first damages are observed. Use the highest dose during high pressure periods. Apply no more than once during the season.
– Maximum Individual Dose: 0.06 L/ha (60 ml).
– Maximum Number of Applications: 2 per crop.
– Latest Application Timing: When tubers reach the appropriate size (BBCH 48), 14 days before harvest.

Tomato, eggplant, zucchini: To control Lepidoptera pests (Tuta absoluta, Spodoptera sp., Heliothis sp.), apply 140-200 ml of product per hectare during the growth phase BBCH 71-89. Solution volume: 200-1000 L per hectare. For better protection of leaves, apply during egg hatching when the first damages are observed. Minimum interval: 7-14 days. Use the highest dose during high pressure periods. Coragen efficiently controls larvae and adult insects. Apply no more than twice during the season.
– Maximum Individual Dose: 0.2 L/ha (200 ml).
– Maximum Number of Applications: 2 per crop.
– Latest Application Timing: BBCH 89, 1 day before harvest.

Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli: To control Lepidoptera pests (Plutella sp., Mamestra brassicae, Pieris brassicae, P. rapae, Spodoptera spp.), apply 90-180 ml of product per hectare when pests are observed. Solution volume: 200-800 L per hectare. Minimum interval: 7-10 days. Use the highest dose during high pressure periods. Coragen efficiently controls larvae and adult insects. Apply no more than twice during the season.
– Minimum Dose: 90–130 ml/ha, depending on the sensitivity of the variety.
– Maximum Individual Dose: 0.18 L/ha (180 ml).
– Maximum Number of Applications: 2 per crop.
– Latest Application Timing: 1 day before harvest.

Sweet corn: To control Ostrinia nubilalis, apply 100-150 ml of product per hectare at the start of egg hatching/peak flight activity with a solution volume of 300-1000 L per hectare. Minimum interval: 10-30 days. Apply no more than twice during the season.
– Maximum Individual Dose: 0.15 L/ha (150 ml).
– Maximum Number of Applications: 2 per crop.
– Latest Application Timing: BBCH 73–87, 7 days before harvest.


Active Ingredients

Active Ingredients
Chlorantraniliprole 200 g/l (w/v) or 18.5% w/w



Coragen can be mixed with fungicides. When combining with other patented products, the restrictions for those should also be followed. Coragen is compatible with many insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides allowed for use on the above-mentioned crops. Since formulations may vary, it is advisable to test on small areas before broader application. Avoid mixing with too many products and highly concentrated mixtures. The recommended doses should not be exceeded. This product should not be mixed with products that are prohibited from being mixed with it.

Please consult the technical service for additional advice on compatibility.


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