
Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.

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Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.


Agroblend Biostar Home Pollinator Product Information on the product Weight: 100 mL (121 g)Type: EC Fertilizer, Bioactivator for blooming and fruit settingAllowed in organic agriculture. Consult with the technical service for advice on special crops and specific conditions.  Contact Now >> Information Characteristics – Improves the activity of plant hormones, ensuring uniform blooming in fruit trees, citrus, and vegetables. – Promotes photosynthesis, improving fruit setting and growth. – Enhances the effect of foliar fertilizers, biopromoters, and growth regulators. – Improves seed germination. Information Usage & Dosage Foliar application: – Apple, pear, cherry, apricot, peach, kiwi, vine, citrus: 2–4 applications, from pre-bloom to fruit growth with dosage: if used alone = 1–1.5 L/ha (100–150 mL/hl); with other products = 0.5 L/ha (50 mL/hl). – Various vegetables (tomato, pepper, eggplant, melon, watermelon, strawberry): 2–4 applications, from pre-bloom to fruit growth, with dosage: if used alone = 1–1.5 L/ha (100–150 mL/hl); with other products = 0.5 L/ha (50 mL/hl). – Leafy vegetables: throughout the vegetative cycle, with dosage: if used alone = 1–1.5 L/ha (100–150 mL/hl); with other products = 0.5 L/ha (50 mL/hl). – Potato: spray tubers before planting with a dosage of 150 mL/hl. – Cereals (wheat, corn, oats, rye, etc.): seed spraying before planting with a dosage of 150 mL/100 kg seed, using a solution of 3–5 liters of water. Drip irrigation: – Vegetables and industrial crops: after planting, 2–3 L/ha.– Greenhouse vegetables: after transplanting, 200–300 mL/1000 m³. Information Additional Information Storage and safety:Store in locked areas, away from direct sunlight, children, and food for humans and animals. Avoid environmental spills. For long-term storage, shake well before use. Information Composition Composition Organic Nitrogen 1.5% Organic Carbon (C) of biological origin 11% Soluble Potassium (K₂O): 6.1% Betaine 10% Information Compatibiity It can be mixed with all common formulations, except products based on copper, sulfur, oils, and oil emulsions. A test is recommended before wide-scale treatment. Please consult the technical service for additional advice on compatibility. Agroblend Check out our product catalog! For a list of all the products & information on their usage. Click here to view >> Tap here to view >> Agroblend Other Products Solar Micro Finisher 12-6-36 +TE Kalisop (50% K₂O + 44% SO₃) Potassium Nitrate Altacor


Agroblend Fulvumin Home Biostimulant Product Information on the product Weight:  1 L ( 1,39 kg )Type:  Soil Enhancer The product is characterized by an acidic pH, which increases the root absorption properties and nutrients in the soil. Additionally, the acidic pH allows the product to have high compatibility with irrigation systems without the risk of leaching due to rainfall. FULVUMIN, when applied alone or combined with NPK fertilizer, improves nutrient absorption due to its high content of fulvic acids. These compounds have a carrier action and stimulate root development as they have an auxin-like activity in root elongation. Furthermore, due to its high organic matter content, FULVUMIN improves soil structure, thus enhancing air and water circulation, leading to increased soil fertility. Please consult the technical service for advice on specific crops and conditions. Contact Now >> Information Characteristics It is a formulation based on organic acids with a small molecular weight (gluconic acid and polyhydrocarboxylic acids), Calcium, and Magnesium.▪ Improves soil structure and air circulation.▪ Enables cultivation in saline soils.▪ Promotes root growth and multiplication of soil microorganisms. Information Usage & Dosage Used in: Fruit trees, wine and table grapes, vegetables, industrial plants, and greenhouse plants. Information Compatibility The product can be mixed with all standard formulations. Avoid mixing with products that have alkaline reactions and those based on copper, sulfur, mineral oils, and emulsions.It is recommended to conduct a simple test to check compatibility. Please consult the technical service for additional advice on compatibility. Information Application with drops Culture Application Period Dosage Used in: Fruit trees, wine and table grapes, vegetables, industrial plants The entire cycle 10-15 L/Ha Greenhouse plants The entire cycle 1 – 1.5L/1000m2 Information Composition COMPOSITION Organic Matter 38.8% Organic Matter, Based on Dry Matter 84.5% Percentage of Organic Matter Based on Moisture Content 69.6% Organic Nitrogen (N) 0.7% C/N Ratio 70 pH (1% Solution) 4.8±0.5% Density 1.2±0.002 Agroblend Check out our product catalog! For a list of all the products & information on their usage. Click here to view >> Tap here to view >> Agroblend Other Products GARDENE Curame 25WG ULTRA CAN SPECIAL (27% N+13% CaO + 1.5 % Mg) Promi-Humus PLUS

Cyto Flow PLUS 30

This is a concentrated solution of amino acids exclusively of plant origin, obtained through the hydrolysis of soybean proteins. The product contains less than 1% chlorine and is suitable for use in drip irrigation as well as foliar spraying.

Promi-Humus PLUS

EC Fertilizer. complex calcium solution. Promi-Humus® Plus is compatible with most fertilizers, except those with an alkaline reaction and herbicides unsuitable for organic matter; however, compatibility testing is recommended. Shake well before use.

Promi-sal EXTRA

Promi-Sal® Extra promotes soil flocculation, counteracting the dispersing effect of sodium ions. Through these aggregates, air, water, or roots can easily penetrate, giving the soil a structure suitable for high-yield production.

Humuslight Leonardite

Concentrated solution of humic and fulvic acids from leonardite for fertilization, completely soluble for fertilizing, specifically formulated to improve the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil. Its application enhances soil structure and water-holding capacity, stimulates root development, and promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms for plants, which translates to increased productivity and quality for the crop.

Microfol LQ

Prevents the occurrence of physiological disorders caused by multiple deficiencies of microelements. Specific for crops with high requirements for magnesium and iron. Easy to use.

Boromin Gel

It improves flowering, pollen germination, and consequently fruit setting. Increases sugar content in fruits. Improves root development.

Keliron Top

Recommended for crops with high micronutrient requirements or for crops grown in particularly poor soils. Used as a fertilizer by spreading it with mechanical tools directly on the soil, as well as through drip irrigation systems for all agricultural crops. The quantity and interval between applications depend on the crop and the terrain where it will be used.


GREENLEAF® provides nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in appropriate ratios to meet the specific nutritional needs of each crop at every phenological stage (the ratio shifts toward nitrogen for vegetative growth, toward phosphorus for flowering, and toward potassium for fruit ripening).