
Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.

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Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.


Nemafert L

Organic Protection Product

Information on the product

Type: Inorganic fertilizer product liquid with specific action

Weight: 5L 

Health and environmental protection:
P102: Keep out of reach of children
P264: Wash hands after each use
P270: Do not eat, drink, or smoke when working with this product
P280: Wear protective gloves, eye protection, and face protection.

Please consult the technical service for advice on specific crops and conditions.



• Nemafert L is a special natural fertilizer that strengthens roots and enables the development and productivity of crops even in the presence of nematodes in the soil.

• Nemafert L improves soil vitality and the development of the plant root system. It has a very acidic pH and, for this reason, creates an environment that eliminates nematodes. The product is used in all crops, vegetables, fruit trees, industrial plants, flowers, and seedlings, both in open fields and greenhouses.

• Nemafert L can be used in conventional, integrated, and organic farming, on all types of crops; it leaves no residues and has no waiting period.


Usage & Dosage

Nemafert L is used at a dose of 20-30L/ha.
It is applied before transplanting (8-10 days before transplanting) and in drip irrigation.
The best performance is achieved when the product is applied in the final stage of the irrigation cycle to prevent leaching.
For complete plant protection, it is recommended to repeat the treatment 3-4 times during the vegetative season, every 15-20 days with abundant water applications.

Store in the original packaging, on pallets, in locked, dry, well-ventilated areas, away from direct sunlight, away from food for humans and animals, and out of reach of children. Empty packaging should not be reused but recycled or disposed of according to current laws.



It is recommended to conduct a compatibility test before mixing Nemafert L with other products. It should not be mixed with alkaline products.
It is important to maintain the pH of the solution around 3.5 – 4 to ensure the best stability and efficiency of the product.

Please consult the technical service for additional advice on compatibility.



Tannins content
Organic matter 36%
Carbon (C) of biological origin 20%
pH 3.5%


Physical Aspect

Physical Aspect
External appearance Light brown color


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