Agroblend DEMO

Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.

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Copyrigh Agroblend 2024. All rights reserved.


About us

Who are we

Who are we?

AgroBlend is a leading Albanian company specializing in agricultural inputs, offering high-quality pesticides, fertilizers, seeds, irrigation systems, and more.

The company also owns a brand, “Diamond”, whose factory produces a wide range of high-quality flours, including flour for home cooking, bakeries, pizzerias, production lines, pastry shops, and any other flour-based products.

Owner company of the brand “Diamond Miell” and “Diamond Pasta”

Who are we

The history of our company

AGRO-BLEND was founded in Vore, close to Tirana in the early 90s, after the political changes in east Europe. It started its business in the trade of pesticides and fertilizers required by farmers in the nearby region.

Soon after that, the company continued to supply its products throughout the country, passing thus from a local trader to a wholesale trader serving all the country’s farmers, becoming larger ever since.

Our success is also merit of our close cooperation with most of the local dealers in both countries.

About Us

Our locations

Agroblend has maintained its headquarters in Vore, but operating in Albania also through its branches in:

Our success is also merit of our close cooperation with most of the local dealers in both countries.

About Us

Our product range

The product range includes: pesticides, chemical and organic fertilizers, plastic film, spraying appliances, irrigation systems, seeds for professionals and hobby, vegetable seedling, fruit seedlings, services, etc.

Products are evaluated every year through trials in various areas with different climatic conditions of the country.

New products are introduced every year, after the careful observances during the trials arranged by the AgroBlend team.

About us

Career opportunities

Following the motto: “Everything for the Farmer, Always close to the Farmer”, it has been supplying the farmers with best quality agricultural inputs.

As of 2011, more than 50 people are working full time for the company, working in various business units and branches of the company thus serving the farmers faster and much better than possible competitor.

Seminars, field days, meetings, promotions, etc. are organized often in special areas helping the farmers in their work.

About Us

Our impact on Albanian Agriculture

The agriculture in Albania is developing rapidly, with both quantitative and qualitative increasing trends. AGROBLEND is definitely part of this development.

Supplying guaranteed quality products, AgroBlend is considered the most reliable partner for the farmers in Albania and also in Kosovo. Having contributed heavily for many years in the development of Albanian Agriculture, 

AgroBlend proudly is considered as the “Albanian Market Leader of Agricultural Inputs.